
Downsizing And Why I Feel It’s Better To Have A Young Realtor

Should You Hire A Young Real Estate Advisor When Downsizing?

Seniors who are downsizing can sometimes be skeptical when hiring someone younger than them let alone a younger Real Estate Advisor!

The look on some of my older client’s faces when they first meet me is the look of pure terror; it makes me giggle a little just thinking about it!

You can see the panic in their eyes at the thought of me, a young Realtor, helping them with such an important transition. It’s almost as if they see me as a kid and think there is no way I could be capable of getting the job done.

Thank goodness there is more to me than just first impressions!

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There are many reasons why a senior would choose a younger Realtor over an older “more wiser” Realtor

  1. A younger realtor can sometimes be more up to date with the newest technology, trends, and new marketing techniques. Of course this isn’t always the case, but in my experience the younger generation pushes the industry to evolve.
  2. Young adults tend to have less responsibilities and obligations and more time to dedicate to work. Balancing work and personal time is tough at the best of times. In most cases the older you get, the less time you would want to spend on work and more time you would like to have with your family.
  3. Young people have grown up with the internet and most have a strong understanding about how social media and online marketing works. I’m constantly on social media and reading blogs, learning about the latest real estate trends.
    Having a realtor that is active on different platforms and knows how to quickly navigate online is beneficial for both marketing potential and traffic engagement.
  4. Like any seasoned vet of any field or market, older realtors can be stuck in their ways. Sure, they might say they have a network of people who will buy your home, but a younger person more up to date with the latest technology expands their network to the internet which is actually very efficient.
    A person who knows the ways around the internet will go above and beyond to show your listing through various different media.The less experience means more to lose. Rookies don’t have the clientele or the network (besides the internet) that older realtors have. We’ve entered a market that has essentially been reset with no “good ol’ days” in our memory bank. To our power though, technology is taking over and we know our way around technology.
  5. By choosing a young realtor you basically get a two-for-one! Almost every younger person out there has a mentor of some sort. In this market, we chase after a successful mentor who has been there, done that, and seen it all. We learn about our mentors and build a bond with them, we are not afraid to run to them for advice in a “what would you do” scenario.

I always tell my clients that the most important aspect of choosing a Realtor is feeling comfortable with this person enough to trust them to guide you through the process of moving.

To give you an example I thought I’d share one of my best downsizing memories:

Last summer, I had the pleasure of helping a couple move out of their Surrey home in Bear Creek – Green Timbers and downsize to their new retirement home.

A friend referred me to this couple; and after meeting with them a few of times, I could tell the wife was a little skeptical. She was a “hands on” seller and wanted to be involved in every step of the process, even the parts that sellers normally don’t get involved with.

It is normal to be stressed and worried when downsizing. This couple spent 19 years in this home and raised their family there, so the thought of moving and making the wrong choice is incredibly high.

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I think it’s important to understand my clients needs

I think it’s important to understand my clients needs and adjust my strategy according to their expectations. With this specific couple, my goal was making sure I had open communication every step of the way.

I chose my words wisely, and explained to them why I felt I was qualified for the job opposed to another advisor. I passionately promised them open and truthful communication the whole way assuring them I was there to fairly advise them and not set them into a trap.

The feeling of being in control made transitioning easier for the couple. I wanted to be clear that I had the best intentions of making this transition an elegant one for them both, with only their best interest in mind.

I will never forget the day they moved

It was a weekend in October, and a strong storm had hit. The power was out all weekend, it was getting dark, we were completely soaked, and my sellers had hours of traveling in front of them in terrible weather conditions.

But soon the storm was over. The couple trusted me to look out for their best interests and to make sound decisions on their behalf and I did just that. I managed to land them a deal of a lifetime and sell their family home for above asking price and obtain what they wanted and more.

When it came time to say our goodbyes, Ernie picked up Patti and walked out of the home just like they walked in 19 years ago.

He carried her while they both giggled like kids! It was the best closing weekend ever to see a stressful situation handled with care and made into an unforgettable memory for everyone involved.

Being a Realtor who cares

As a realtor, you can’t put a price on memories, but you can make room for another family to make memories in the same space (adding to all the previous happiness!)

When you sit and think of all the milestones that happen within one family over 20 or so years, having the power to give another family that opportunity should be enough to make you incredibly warm and fuzzy inside.

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