
New Home

Builder Or No Builder When Buying A New Home

Should You Buy A New Home From A Builder?

Buying from a builder has it’s benefits, but it can also be intimidating. This article covers the ins and outs of buying a new home from a builder.

Now that the holidays have come and gone, it’s time to get back to reality and for some of you that may mean thinking about relocating your family into a new home.

One of the first questions that pops up once you’ve decided to Buy is if you are going to buy a New construction home directly from a builder or if you will be looking at resale homes instead.

There are many great reasons for buying a brand new home starting with the most obvious.

New homes have welcoming sales offices and thoughtfully staged designer homes that make you fall in love with the dreamy environment.

Their show homes are packed with designer upgrades and very expensive custom made furniture to show you how to use the space to the maximum of it’s potential giving you great ideas for furnishing your new home, this makes the buying process easier for those that need to see a room in order to envision it.

When buying a home directly from the builder, you also have a wide option of upgrades and custom personalizations such as different floor plans, colour schemes and completions dates to choose from allowing you a certain amount of flexibility.


New homes aren’t just great for the newest paint color or updated floor-plans, they also allow for a bigger piece of mind when it comes to hidden costs after you move in. In new construction the home you purchase has  2,5,10 year warranty as well as brand new appliances.

When construction is complete, you get a binder with photos and inspection summaries. This gives you the proof your home was built right, which helps with warranties and if you ever want to sell, it can help increase value. ~ Mike Holmes

Developers also schedule a walk through prior to completion that allows you and your family to walk through the home and check for deficiencies prior to move in day making sure they have time to fix any construction problems your home may have without you having to even lift a finger.

These seem like small details but they normally make the move in process a lot easier and allow homeowners to enjoy their home the way it should be : Perfect.

What Upgrades Should You Choose?

Choosing color schemes and custom features also allow for an easier transition as you won’t be forever hunting for furniture to fit specific spaces. Do however keep in mind that all these upgrades can add up fast so keep a clear mind about what you want and what your bank account can actually afford.

I have years of experience selling new homes for reputable builders and one of my biggest surprises when working for Builders was the amount of people that purchased homes without a Realtor representing them especially first time home buyers .

You would never buy a home from someone without an agent helping you through the process so why buy a new home without any help?

The sales people working for developers represent the developers only and as friendly as they are they aren’t representing you in the contract of purchase and sale. Buying a new home from a builder can also be a nightmare if you don’t know who you’re buying from and what to look for.

Did you know that buyers don’t pay for realtor services ? so call your trusted agent and let them help you buy the best product for your needs.

Feel free to message me with any questions and let’s get shopping  🙂


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